i think i need a drink
Thursday, September 30, 2010
i think i need a drink
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
HAHAH think raffles hotel mooncakes(my fav! I swear once u tried it, you don't want anything else) + Richard Templar's books
Contended much :D
I crave for good food recently
Monday, September 20, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010
怎麼會這樣 我也不知道
謝謝誰為我祈禱 可是我並不困擾
誰能夠決定誰 怎樣最好
我疏離得很舒服 不想治療
怎麼會這樣 我也不知道
謝謝誰為我祈禱 可是我並不困擾
不擔心我這島 居民太少
來過的朋友們 都住下了
我是座小小島 容易滿足的小島
我是座小小島 心滿意足的小島
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Something to share that I came across on a random blog:
"Just because she’s pretty, doesn’t mean that she has love.
Just because he graduated with flying colours, doesn’t mean he can find a job that he loves.
Just because she has a job that she loves, doesn’t mean she doesn’t work 18 hours days.
Just because she earns a 5 digit income, doesn’t mean that she has time to spend it.
Just because he has time to spend it, doesn’t mean he finds satisfaction from his purchases.
Just because he has a wife, doesn’t mean that he has a loving family.
Just because she’s a good wife, doesn’t mean she has a happy husband.
And just because he has a loving family, doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have a sick child to worry over.
Just because she has 4 kids, doesn’t mean that she wouldn’t end up in a nursing home alone.
Just because he lives in a big house, doesn’t mean he doesn’t sleep alone every night.
Just because she smiles, doesn’t mean that she doesn’t cry when she’s alone. "
Thursday, September 9, 2010

I wanted to cut my hair to like this
but I looked like someone else instead
"Guys in general.
Everyone drinks. Period. If I ever meet a guy that didn’t drink or smoke..or easy and wanna hook up with girls..AND he’s handsome, intelligent, honest, single, and straight…I think it would be like seeing a unicorn for the first time" - from a random blog
I find this so funny no wonder Agnes likes unicorn.
& not bkk, not taipei guess where's the next stop? (: