Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Time to make my midyear checklist to review performance and things done!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Not sleeping.

Sometimes, you dare not sleep because you are afraid things will change when you wake up.
Sometimes, there are too many things on your mind.
Sometimes, you are not sleeping because not sleeping will keep you alert


Monday, May 28, 2012

Have you ever wonder?

Who will be the people at your funeral?
Are they really upset over your death?
Or they are there because they have to or they are there to see & be seen & eat the free food?
Im still skeptical about it

Anyway fuck sacrifices
Fuck trust
Fuck understanding
Im so emotionally volatile now.

Sunday, May 27, 2012




Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's always the closest that hurts the most.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

I-need-to list:

1. Get a bloody A for facil management (No way I must let my fellow pfm course down)
2. Get my work work done
3. Prepare my presentation slides + finish report (Up priority, linked with #1)
4. meet all the other people to pass my tw stuff to them
5.find a solution to remove the darkness in me
6.find time to have a proper conversation with brother
7.Schedule time for dentist & haircut
8.Sell more clothes/find more jobs
9.Figure out vans or keds

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

# la sardina

I like films.
I like the element of surprise.
I like how the photos turn out to be that made you smiled/shocked etc.
Even if the whole roll of film, I managed to salvage only 4.
I am thankful.
Art is the continuous action to creation.
Maybe, my photos are not good enough yet.
I will scan them up soon.

YAY I mad love multiple exposure.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Because I'm not good enough?

Watching the shrewd wife, even the "perfect" guy felt so insecure in front of love.
He wondered about if he's not good enough which is why the divorcee rejected him.

Well, I wondered about that when I happened to be in a crowd of girls.
I dont meant people i know
But rather all the mass crowd out there.
I wonder what makes someone decide to choose me instead of all other people else.
They are prettier, taller, skinnier, richer, smarter, more popular and the list goes on.
Why would someone do that when I can't even be sure that I would do the same for him?
It's funny
I try to be good enough.
But the problem is there're always people better.
 I realise I will never be the best.

If my target market is mass market, I guess I will have to be like the regular girl.
But since I decide I'm not like them, well let it be.
Maybe, my "good enough" isn't so in the 1st place too.
I am back!

Bit tired.
Getting back to hectic lifestyle.
Time to make some changes again.
Can't wait to share the photos I have took with my baby
Love xx

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I'm such an emo nemo these days.
Blues blues.
I'm too tired to express myself.
To speak for myself
To do something for myself.
To make myself smile.
I just want to sit and let my mind wander.
I am scared suddenly.