Thursday, April 15, 2010

Before I forget

There have been a lot of discussion with regards to Uni admission as to Poly and JC people on newspaper.

Out of 15000 places,we poly people are give 2500 vacancies only.

In the forum section of ST , this person wrote that the JC people should be priortised because university is like their final destination since they only have A level certs whereas poly people hold at least a diploma already.

"If they want to go beyond that in Singapore, they should choose the JC route. If they do not qualify, it's not the Government's fault" - quoted from this letter response from ST today

Then it said that, Government spend more to train on poly students as compared to JC people. However, we students equally pay more for the school fees, as well as transport already shouldn't it be enough?
& wells, the new university is only going to benefit those engineering, IT people so what's happen to the rest of the people? We're still going to fight for the same no. of positions of the same courses.
I feel that if the A levels people did not do well enough, they should give the place to poly people (which I'm not sure if there's such things going on). I mean like we work hard for 3 whole yrs like maintaining consistency shouldn't we be given the chance as compared to a one-off A level exams? The only thing that set us apart is our O level results that made people judge us.

Don't flame me. TYVM
Will talk abt after stuff later.
Off to go find books to read.

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