Monday, January 31, 2011

On days when I hope I wasn't the unlucky girl anymore
Story begins with PSLE
Prelim - 264 in the end 248 (+3)
Despite being the only one in the whole sch to score a distinction in HMT
I'm still super upset
I remembered crying very hard that day
That cut off my way to rgs or so schools
Look at G she's now at Cambridge/Oxford
Look at S, she's at Aussie university as well.
Then here comes the days in nh
Okay Sec 2 I got promoted to special stream
which I declined cause I felt more comfortable in express
But thinking back if I was in special, perhaps I would work as hard to make it like a special stream student
Here comes the O's
Stomachache on normal chinese paper & combined humanities
Then in the end = b3 & c6
Which cut off my route to decent jcs
If I didn't got as bad I would have ended up in nyjc or what
& prolly end up in university already
But now I'm still afraid
What if I fall short of
What if I never end up where I hope I was supposed to be
I don't want to be the girl who's unlucky on impt days anymore
Neither I want to be the girl who's lucky on impt days ( because that's not consistent and totally untrue)
I just want to be safe and sound and be worthy of what I deserved
& I don't want to be like those fillers to fill up the last few positions there

1 comment:

  1. :( i understand how you feel..but no worries, im sure you'll do fine. :>

